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Why?...Why Not Have Compassion and Empathy

Why do I ask the question? The public does not know the true facts about our judicial system. They only know the bias the media perpetrate.

If we left skin color out and gave a description of how this teenager got sentenced verses another teenager for rape for instance, everyone would demand stiff punishment. However when skin color gets in the way, we have recently seen judges refusing to allow teenagers and young adults from wealthier homes and in college not serve anytime for heinous rape crimes. There is a ruling from a judge where an adult man is not serving anytime for raping an infant repeatedly. I dont have to tell you the color of the person's skin.

If a judge is going to say, we dont want his future affected because he is college bound then that same judge must apply the standard of empathy to everyone else. How does a judge not sentence someone for raping an unconscious woman. By being bias and showing preferential treatment, the judical system is saying THERE ARE FOLKS ABOVE THE LAW...

If we can save the whale, the squirrel, the worm, the tree, the stem, the leaf , the bark, the roots then we can have that extra ounce of humanity to provide rehabilitation with accountability. The system judicial corporation complex does not want this to happen because they know, the prison population could be reduced not to zero but significantly with accountable rehabilitation. There goes the money.

That's why I'm donating my first 1000 downloads. My first 1000 downloads will be donated to 10 people who were freed after 20, 30, 40 years in prison for a crime they did not do. These people went into the prison industry at the ages of 14, 15, some 19, 20 and young adults. My mission is to provide a love offering to them to show that 1001 people care about what they had to go through. My goal is to offer my first 1000 downloads to them as an encouraging sign that we the human race are here to support you in the wrongs that happened.

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