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It's all about the music. California Gospel Female Hip Hop Artist Music in Silicon Valley

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Intent on Bringing the Word by Fauxleesha Madame Intent

Join me in my first 1000 downloads. My first 1000 downloads will be donated to 10 people who were freed after 20, 30, 40 years in prison for a crime they did not do. These people went into the prison industry at the ages of 14, 15, some 19, 20 and young adults. 

My mission is to provide a love offering to them to show that 1001 people care about what they had to go through. My goal is to offer my first 1000 downloads to them as an encouraging sign that we the human race are here to support you in the wrongs that happened.

Due to the failure of cop work, lawyer work, pro-bono lawyer work, prosecuting attorney work and the judges decision, we have innocent people whose youth were systematically taken away. The motto says Innocent until proven guilty. I say that the motto is clearly Guilty until we can prove you guilty. 

Google the innocence project and see what humanity has done to innocent people who served time who were innocent. Families driven apart, careers ruined and self esteem destroyed in some cases by suicide or early death due to stress of being locked up for something you didnt do.

We have to pray America that we can do better and make sure innocent folks are not locked up. PERIOD.




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Facebook & Live Me : Flee Rogers

Tumblr : Go-Fauxleesha

Instagram Channel : Fauxli762

Twitter : Figgy251

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